Friday, November 20, 2015

Heroes Among Us

We are surronded by heroes. All we need to do is look around us. I wish that I could share a photo of everyone, because in some way we are all heroes. We are heroes to our children, our friends, our spouses, our co-workers, to random people. It doesn't matter who we are a hero to. Just remember your potential!
Let's look at Hugh Jackman, who professionally plays a super hero. His hero is his dad. Even Wolverine has a hero! 
Now let's look at Stan Lee. He is a millionaire from creating superheroes. He is the hero to others and yet here he is holding a sign that says he is for real life superheroes. Even the heroes need heroes!
 Let's not forget the biggest heroes of all. These men sacrifice their lives for our freedom. Their courage, selflessness, and honor make them real life heroes.

I created a survey asking college students and family members who their favorite hero/heroine was and what attributes their hero had that they admired. Below you will see the results of this survey. I was very surprised that Captain America was so popular. After asking the second part to the question, his popularity made sense. 
While some heroes were picked solely for their good looks, others were picked for their character. Some liked Thor because of his hammer. Others liked that Ironman is rich. But often, after describing these characteristics my fellow students began to delve deeper into their appreciation for their hero. A girl named Sydney stated, "I choose Charles Xavier because he is a great leader despite his physical limitations". Rochelle explained, "Ironman is smart, and he isn't afraid to give his opinion, and he tries even if he shows off a little bit. And he's attractive. BONUS- he listens to AC/DC". Finally, Harlee said, "my favorite hero would have to be the Hulk. I like that he realizes that he has flaws and yet he doesn't let those flaws define him. He tries his best to be a good person and help those around him."

We can learn so much from these heroes. That is what heroes are for, an example to look up to and to strive to be like. If only we could have the "good morals and goodness" about us that Rylee admires in Captain America. Being a hero doesn't require superhuman strength, cat-like reflexes, or mind-controlling abilities. It comes from within. Thor wouldn't be as amazing without his honor and worthiness to wield his hammer. Wonder Woman wouldn't be wonderful without her compassionate and good-hearted nature.

We, like the Hulk, have flaws. What makes us a hero is moving on despite those flaws. Fighting for and defending what is important to us shows a strength of character more than it shows a physical strength.
 You are the Hulk: Calm, and collected, and thoughtful, you're an intellectual with an unstoppable rage beast living just under the surface. You're not proud of that rage beast, but you have to appreciate the way it gets things done.
You are Captain America: A natural leader who sets
a good example and never gives up. People defer to your sense of justice and integrity. You do your best to protect others, and nothing upsets you more than someone being a bully.
 You are Superman: You embody a strong sense of morality and selflessness. Goodness is apart of your being, and you are a strong believer that all people are good and deserve a second chance. 

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